C for Coffee

Coffee cup and coffee beans on old wooden background

Well, I guess I don’t have to make it clearer to my readers that I love coffee. But to anyone who is new to my blog, I love coffee. When I say I love coffee, I mean I love coffee!! To the extent of having at least a slight mention of coffee in all of my posts.

Here is a list of reasons why I love coffee: Continue reading “C for Coffee”

I miss the rains….

Image Source: Here

It has been 7 years since I lived in Mumbai. The one thing I miss the most is the rains. Now, I’m not trying to be all poetic and all, but Mumbai rains are different. And different good. Maybe it’s because of the pollution or the population; I really don’t know what it is. Just sitting on my balcony, listening to the pitter-patter and reading a book is something that I miss, really badly. The icing on the cake would’ve been if I had a cup of coffee, to top it all off.

Image source: click on the image

Well since I am in the reminiscing mood, I’d also like to reminisce about vada-pavs, paani-puris and pav-bhajis.

Man! I do miss Mumbai!!



For those of you who really miss the rains go to this website and close your eyes. Trust me, it’s the best feeling you’ll ever have!

‘SIT’ – ‘CON’dition

This is just so wrong…so wrong…in so many ways..on so many levels.
Image Source : here

Do you know what distinguishes the entire Indian subcontinent from the ‘western world’? Of course, apart from the fact that they are much more civilised, advanced, and developed. The one thing that I noticed about their way of living is their disrespect for the ground. You read right, disrespect.

Did you ever notice that they never sit on the ground? While we consider ‘Mother Earth’ to be divine and ‘pure’, they have absolutely nothing but resent for the terra firma. All our ‘holy’ ceremonies are conducted on the earth that we stand on. But the only response to a person sitting/laying/doing anything but standing on the floor from a ‘westerner’ is “Get you a** of the floor.”

We conduct marriages sitting down. Right from the birth of a child, his ‘naming ceremony’ (which is an utter waste of time, according to me, but more on that later), and all his rituals are conducted on the ground. While the westerners (I don’t know why I keep saying that, although the world is round, well an elliptical sphere, but still you get the idea), have their marriages/weddings in  a church, wearing their Sunday best, not to mention standing up, we prefer doing it in front of a fire on the ground sitting down in our dhotis/mundus.

For them, sitting down automatically implies, on a chair. You ask an Indian to sit down, and he WILL sit DOWN! He will sit on the ground with crossed legs as if lunch is about to be served. The only time you’d ever find a European or an American do it is if they are practising yoga, which is India’s national exercise, apparently.

And don’t even get me started on the way the Indian sub-continent does do-do and wee-wee. But I can make my peace with that, since the Indian government doesn’t have enough funds to build a European-style toilet in every home. But to those who prefer to use the Indian method, which, by the way, is far less sanitary and highly ridiculous, I just want to ask this – WHY? Continue reading “‘SIT’ – ‘CON’dition”

Inception Of Words

Waking Life

I just saw this movie “Waking Life” which is an excellent movie, by the way, and in it I found this particular part, where they speak about the language and words, quite intriguing. To quote Waking Life:

“It’s always our decision, who we are. Creation seems to come out of imperfection. It seems to come out of a striving and a frustration. And this is where I think language came from… I mean, it came from our desire to transcend our isolation… and have some sort of connection with one another.”

And I find it so true! I mean, it was the very need to fulfil man’s loneliness, his emptiness that he created language. And I also love to imagine the first guy to speak just blabbering stuff and using sign language. I mean, I always picture a caveman just going bonkers with his club and trying to tell the caveman in front of him to stop screwing with his wife!

Continue reading “Inception Of Words”

Feels Good To Be Back

Image Source: here

Phew!!! I’m finally done with my exams!! Both internals (read ass-kissing skills) and externals (read story writing skills).

Now that I’m back after the hiatus, I’d like to clear a few things first.

  1. I was not offline for a month by choice. I had no internet connectivity and the very few time that I did spend on my friends’ Wi-Fi was wasted on other petty things (I mean projects and stuff… GROW UP!!).
  2. To all my ardent followers and readers, who kept on coming to my blog just to check for new posts and had to go back dejected, I’m sorry for leaving without so much as a note, but now I’m back, for good, I hope. (Just Kidding and hoping that someone did ACTUALLY miss me.)

Continue reading “Feels Good To Be Back”