Letter to a Pen-pal…

**Image Courtesy: here

Dear MNO,

I know it’s been a while since I wrote to you. Everything is fine here. Hope you are doing well. How is your leg? The last time you wrote to me, it was from the hospital. Remember? You were foolish enough to not only climb up a mango tree, and fall from it too! This is what a craze of mangoes could do to you.

Well, I hope you recuperated well enough. Everything is fine here. I guess I already wrote that, huh? Classes in college suck! But I guess I have my fun with my class-mates and my friends. The reason I classify them in that manner is that they are different. I look at my classmates as my classmates and my friends as my friends. Not that my classmates are not my friends, they are, but the thing is I cannot talk to them the way I chat with my friends.

When you’re my friend, you’re my friend. I’ll tell you everything about me. You’ll know my deepest secrets. I’ll trust you with my life. Now that’s friendship. I don’t share that kind of a bond with my classmates. I hope you understand what I’m rambling about.

And hey, before I forget, I’m also sending you some mangoes and strawberries. Hope they reach you safe and sound as fruits, and not as fruit pulp.

My younger brother just saw me writing this letter. He made some snide remark about writing letters in this ‘modern age’. What is this modern age, really? Does it mean that I should not do something I like to do, just because it is inconvenient? I mean, I love writing letters, and especially when it is to someone special like you. And I wonder whether he even knows what a postage stamp is. Ah Well, I pity my brother and his friends. They have no idea what they are missing out on. I mean, it is one thing to miss out on writing letters and waiting for their reply but to not have someone to share their feelings with, now that’s just pathetic.

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